Thursday, May 9, 2019

Value of Leaf Green

Chlorophyll is the scientific name for leaf green, a pigment that gives plants and algae a green color. Leafy greens occur naturally in all green grasses, flowers, leaves (of trees, shrubs and plants) and (therefore) also in edible things such as green vegetables, seeds and nuts, algae and seaweeds. It also occurs in vegetables that are not green in color, but those are negligible quantities. Because of the high nutritional values, chlorophyll is processed in food supplements in high concentrations. 

The usefulness of leaf green for the plant

Plants must feed in order to grow. Now plants have a special gift, because they can make the food themselves. They are therefore unique on this earth, because non-plants always need a different organism to feed themselves. Plants do not eat other organisms (with the exception of carnivorous plants, of course). They make their own food. They need water and carbon dioxide for this. They extract that water from the soil with their roots and collect carbon dioxide from the air through tiny microscopic holes in the leaves. They prepare sugars with water and carbon dioxide. To start and keep this process going, plants need energy. They get that energy from the light, especially the sunlight. The plants produce waste during the process. They let that waste escape through the same holes (stomata) to the outside in the form of oxygen. Plants can only convert the water and carbon dioxide into food using the substancechlorophyll . Leaf green so. The name refers to the green color that is created by a process that we call photosynthesis.

The benefit of leaf green for humans

Chlorophyll therefore enables plants to feed themselves and the earth in the process of oxygen. That is what makes chlorophyll so special. Then this fabric must have very special properties! And that gives reason for many investigations. Indeed, positive traits have been discovered. Chlorophyll differs one element from hemoglobin, a substance that colors our blood red and ensures oxygen transport. There is iron in the core of hemoglobin, and magnesium in the core of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is said to have detoxifying properties, improve the immune system, stimulate the kidneys and stimulate the production of red blood cells. Much of this is also scientifically proven, but not everything. Various studies are currently underway into the positive contribution of chlorophyll to various forms of cancer.

This way you can easily get chlorophyll yourself

If you want to profit from the beneficial properties of chlorophyll yourself, then it's best to eat lots of vegetables every day. This is not only conducive to a quantity of chlorophyll intake, because plants contain several vitamins, minerals and fibers that your body needs in order to function optimally. You prefer to eat leafy vegetables raw, because that way the chlorophyll is better preserved. In a smoothie, the substance from leafy vegetables is absorbed even better by the body. Sturdy vegetables (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, green asparagus and the like) can be steamed briefly. The cell walls of the vegetables are broken open in such a way that the chlorophyll is released. Your intestines can absorb the chlorophyll easier and faster that way. Cook green vegetables as short as possible, certainly no longer than 5 minutes. If for whatever reason you eat little or insufficient fresh vegetables or you need a chlorophyll booster, you can supplement the daily diet with a dietary supplement containing chlorophyll (such as in Chlorella or Spirulina). See the dietary supplement as a supplement to your daily fresh vegetable intake and not as a substitute.