Monday, April 27, 2020


Good preparation is half the battle, and that certainly applies to detoxing. If your body is optimally prepared for detoxification, the detox will provide the best results. Also, the risk of detoxification symptoms with the right preparation is further minimized. That is why we think good preparation is very important and our detoxification program contains an extensive preparation phase that prepares you for the detoxification week / weeks.

What is the Detox Preparation?

*Our detox preparation is a 14-day nutrition program and consists of two parts:
* Detox Preparation part 1: The first 7 days
* Detox Preparation part 2: Day 8 to 14

During the detox preparation you will add more and more good things to your diet, so that the natural cleansing process in your body becomes more effective. Because as you have read in the previous chapter about detoxification, the body naturally cleans itself continuously, only the body can no longer deal with the large amount of toxins that it receives every day and as a result it stores toxins in tissues and organs. What we want to ensure in this preparation phase is that your body will start taking up the daily natural cleaning all by itself. Once your body is able to do this, you can only start detoxing, that is, removing all the toxins that your body has stored over the years.

The first week of the Detox preparation

You probably already take smoothies and other healthy drinks every now and then, and you know how delicious and nutritious these are for the body. In the first preparation week you will continue with this and you will add the following 3 things to your diet to a much greater extent:

1. Start in the morning with a coconut oil drink

Coconut oil is a very cleansing nutrient that also offers a lot of natural fuel, so you can start the day energetically. Plus, a coconut oil drink is easy to make, so even if you're very busy in the morning, this drink will always fit your schedule. Coconut oil mainly consists of medium chain fatty acids that are directly absorbed by the liver to get energy from it; so they are not stored in fat cells and make you feel full longer. But the fatty acids in coconut oil not only provide a lot of energy, another advantage is that they support the body in the natural cleansing and ensure that toxins can leave the body as quickly as possible. Coconut oil also has bacteria-inhibiting, fungicidal and virus-inhibiting properties that help to restore the intestinal flora, making coconut oil a good support against eg. candida and other fungal infections, digestion problems and viruses. You can find a delicious and simple recipe for a coconut oil drink on the Maximum Health Member Site

2. Drink much more water every day

During the detox preparation weeks, your body will start cleaning more effectively. You will have to drink a lot of water to support this cleaning sufficiently. The toxins that are released during the cleaning of your body have to be removed from the body, and you do this through your urine and sweat glands. By drinking enough you will urinate regularly and your body has enough moisture to perspire, so that you optimally help the body to remove the toxins. At the same time, you keep the body sufficiently hydrated. As a guideline you can say that you should drink at least your body weight x 0.44 divided by 10 liters of water daily. For example, at a weight of 75 kilos, the calculation is: (75 x 0.44) / 10 = 3.3 liters.

3. Drink a minimum of 2 liters of green smoothie daily, spread over the day.

Green smoothies are very important during cleansing, because they provide your body with a high dose of enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These nutrients support the body in breaking down toxins, strengthen the immune system and help protect the body from free radicals. We also recommend that you only use organic ingredients during detoxification, to ensure that you do not ingest pesticides or other chemicals during this period. On the Maximum Health Member Site you will find two recipes for very tasty smoothies that fit perfectly in the first detox preparation week.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Green Smoothies and low-carbohydrate Diet .

Green smoothies also fit well into a low-carbohydrate diet .

Low-carb green smoothies

To start with, green smoothies are low in carbohydrates . This is because green smoothies are only made from the most natural products (vegetables, fruit and water). So there is a lack of added sugars (such as ice cream or yogurt) that are present in normal smoothies. Amazing Grass Green Super Food (amazing grass reviews), is a dietary supplement packed full of veggies and cereal grasses, probiotics, nutritious greens, & natural digestive enzymes.

You can supplement a green smoothie with other ingredients that are also permitted in a low-carbohydrate diet. You have to think about nuts. Hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds are fine in the blender. Apart from giving your smoothie a different taste, there is also an enormous amount of energy. In addition to nuts, you can also use seeds, such as linseed and chia seeds. These have been known as power foods for a long time and that is not surprising, because they really provide you with a lot of energy!

Prepare in Advance

Green smoothies are - as you as a visitor to this website had of course known for a long time - very easy to prepare and also make in advance. That way you can enjoy a smoothie for breakfast.

Many followers of a low-carbohydrate diet run into breakfast. Bread is not allowed in a low-carbohydrate breakfast, due to an excessive amount of carbohydrates. It is often difficult to find replacements or the followers do not like them. But a green smoothie (prepared one day in advance) can serve well as a breakfast. Before you get started, you will have all the fruits and vegetables that you should have in accordance with the guidelines.

Do you have trouble with a low-carbohydrate diet, but would you also like to benefit from green smoothies? Then it is good to know that you can also use a green smoothie as a snack. In fact: a green smoothie as a snack is ideal for several reasons:

Because you consume a green smoothie, you get a lot of energy. You can administer this energy in the meantime, which means you can benefit from it for longer. For example, do you have a presentation? Then drink half a smoothie in advance and you will see that you are much more confident for the group.

Because of the filling effect of a green smoothie (especially if you have also added nuts and seeds to it) you will really not feel like any other snack whatsoever. That way you pay in a healthy way with all those sugary snacks that are supposedly healthy (but which you also know are certainly not the case).

A green smoothie is also simply delicious and you can vary endlessly in the flavors.

Losing weight with a low-carb diet with green smoothies works

People sometimes ask if green smoothies help with weight loss. We have to be honest about that and say that green smoothies don't help with weight loss. But indirectly they do. Certainly in the case of a low-carbohydrate diet. Because you leave other products and eat green smoothies, you get enough energy without having to gain weight and fat. That way you can safely say that a low-carbohydrate diet with green smoothies is an ideal combination.